Friday, March 27, 1987

Monday Morning Crunch

Early one I was computering by the living room window when I heard this metallic crunch.   I looked outside and saw that this stupid old lady in an equally stupid boat of a car had managed -- on a broad wide street with no traffic -- to collide into my Bucky.

This was a very sore spot and took a very great effort to be polite.  My dear beloved Dotty had been smashed front and rear by an inner city youth in a stolen car.   I can understand moving accidents, but smashing into stationary objects qualifies the miscreant as dead weight on earth.   Happy Birthday.

I don't recall this as occurring on my birthday, but these are the last fotos on this roll and the developer's envelope says  "SDO Xmas 86 - May 27 1987"   A to-do list for early June says "contact insurance co. re bucky".