Monday, January 5, 1987

Haute Coiffure

The first weeks of 1987 were devoted to ... hair.

Toward the beginning of the New Year, Rick decided that I needed a new look.  My haircut was just too drab and non-descript, he said.   He had a friend who was a stylist and who had agreed to do me for free.   I was less than enthusiastic and made some equivocal response the upshot of which was that Rick all but dragged me to his friend's house.  I was going to get a decent hairdo.  

The hairdo was certainly well done.  It changed my face rather substantially and not in a bad way.  But in the end, I felt it made me look too much like either a Latin pimp or a Latin chi-chi boy,  I couldn't decide which.   I went back to my old "regulation cut" ways.

A letter to Charles dated January 29th  mentions that my relationship with Rick was over, or at least that he had gone to sea.  So any hair styling he arranged has to have been in January, which corresponds with my memory,   A diary entry dated January 10th mentions a dream "three nights ago"  (Monday, January 7th) in which Rick "finally shaved me."  I suppose the dream was a take-off on the hairdoing.   Or, given that I mentioned the dream to Rick, perhaps the hairdoing was a take off on the dream.  

A petty cash note indicates a "cut" on February 2nd  and another haircut on February 16th, each cutting the hair shorter.