Wednesday, April 30, 1986

Doing Recruit

Exp. Log for April 30 had: MCRD haircut.   Note, the pole work continuing in the background. 

These and the prior fotos were probably taken by Kenny Boultinghouse, a neighbour who lived in second floor of the tan apartment house depicted in the background.   

It is always possible that both sets of fotos were taken on the same day by way of "before and after." 

Monday, April 21, 1986


These fotos were probably taken in mid-April.  The developer envelope is labelled "Jan-Apr 86" and these negatives (19-21) are next to last in the roll.  

Exp.Log has:  "4/19  Burger Oceanside."   At that time, I most likely went to the Deluxe Barber Shop, which was the best place for short cuts.   The sign on the past in the background references "pole removal" which evidently was what the roadwork was about.  San Diego was in the process of putting cable and electric lines underground.   A resolution of the City Council dated April 21, 1986,  authorizes pole removal on First Avenue through August 1986.    But these pictures were certainly not taken in August.   I suspect work began around the  21st and the resolution was simply ratifying projects that had begun.    In any event,  April 21st is a good probable date.