Thursday, December 25, 1986

Sailors' Christmas

Marguerite came down for Christmas, met Rick and Carlson, and got staggeringly plastered before we all headed shipboard to bring Christmas lasagna to sailor Tom who was on restriction for the holidays.

Wednesday, December 24, 1986

Christmas Eve with Rick

After shopping for gifts, we returned home to wrap them and put up lights

 Marguerite arrived later bringing a potted Christmas Tree

I still had not bothered to get a proper shade for the lamp.... cheeezus

Sunday, December 14, 1986

USS Ranger (CV 61)

Rick's bottom rack

where Marguerite skipped

On Sunday 14 December 86,  Rick Walker, whom I had recently met,  took me on a tour of the carrier he was stationed on.  (Mirabilis:  the developing envelope actually says "Tour of Ranger 12/14/86.)

Saturday, November 29, 1986

Stan's Leather Jacket

While in San Francisco,  I met up with Stan Hintington who gave me his ex-lovers leather jacket